
The Double Discovery Center is accepting applications from students in 9th -12th grades and from Morningside, Manhattanville, Harlem, and Washington Heights OR from our partner NYC schools below:  

  • Park East High School
  • Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics
  • Community Health Academy of the Heights
  • Thurgood Marshall Academy for Learning & Social Change
  • Urban Assembly School for the Performing Arts

Applicants Must Be

First-generation and/or meet low-income guidelines as defined by the following guidelines: [https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/trio/incomelevels.html

  • First-generation, as defined by U.S. Department of Education, means that the student is the first in his or her family to attend college; and that neither of the student’s parents or legal guardians has a bachelor degree from an institution of higher education in the United States.


Click here to begin your application